Here you go in no particular order ...
- In 2013, 90% of marketers will increase or maintain their use of email. (I'm not surprised but very glad since a good part of what I write is for email.)
- According to Lyris, email users receive approximately 9,000 emails a year. (That's a lot of hitting DELETE.)
- Nearly 46 million adults in the U.S. will use a mobile coupon in 2013. (Alas! I've yet to write one!)
- According to Google Think Insights, 74% of mobile users rely on their mobile devices to check email. (Note to self: Keep this in mind when writing email copy.)
- 20% of marketers are using social media in all their campaigns. (Want to guess what that number will be in 2014?)
- Women are more trusting of WOM information received from family and friends than men--55% to 47%. (No comment needed.)
- 62% of Americans say they enjoy checking the mailbox for postal mail. (And this pretty much applies across all age groups.)
- 36% of U.S. consumer says direct mail is the preferred channel to receive insurance information, 39% for financial services, and 42% for sensitive health care information. (No wonder I'm still writing a lot of direct mail copy for life insurance companies and investment services.)
- Direct mail continues to grow 1.4% annually. (The surprise here isn't that the number is low. If you believe what you so often read in the trade press, you'd think there's no growth at all.)
And this last one--incredible as it seems--comes right out of the DMA 2013 Statistical Fact Book, chapter 2, page 25: "The 22-24 year-old age cohort is the most likely to respond to a direct mail piece." How about that.
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